Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Does it Profit?

I've heard it said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results; and as I began to take inventory of my own life, particularly as I prepared to embark upon a new year, new decade, and new journey in life, naturally I started to locate areas I realized I needed to change. But in 2010, I didn't want to do the cliched "New Year's Resolution" spiel and rattle off a long list of resolutions, overwhelming myself with empty promises that were more for others' benefit than my own. I decided to do what I did last year and focus on one major theme for the entire year, which is -- "Does it Profit?"

People have different definitions of "profit" and to most, the idea of financial increase is predominant when profit is mentioned. However, to me it transcends the financial realm. Webster's second definition of it is, "financial return after all business expenses have been met" but I also like definition number 1, "an advantage gained: benefit." Of course finances are a part of the package; after all, who doesn't want to come out of 2010 with a stronger financial portfolio, a bank account that is well stocked with Benjamins, and the ability to do whatever, whenever, without having to think about it and with no repercussions like debt or living beyond your means? But even more than the money, the profit I'm looking for involves an expansion of my spiritual influence on the world and those in my circle. It means people coming in contact with me and experiencing the undeniable vibrancy, love, and wisdom that makes them say, "there's something about her." And that something is designed to point them in God's direction. Real profit is having a renewed mind, changed thinking, and knowing how to use the creative power of words to frame your world. True profit will always upgrade the quality of your life, spirit, soul, and body.

So I entered this intense process of looking at every detail of my life with a magnifying glass and examining every relationship, habit, thought, word, activity, pursuit, and plan with scrutiny. Why? Because these are the things that have the potential to profit me or not. I'm getting real picky because I have to. My destiny depends on it. I now ask myself the question, "Does it profit?" Is this taking my life to the next level? Is this getting me where I need to go? Is this adding to my life? Is this taking away? Is this multiplying? Is this relationship growing or stagnating? Is this causing me to expend energy that could be used for a more profitable result? Has this situation run its course? What is this doing for me? Am I most productive here? Do I need to let that go? Is this relationship inspiring me, bringing out my gifts, taking me to another level, whatever that level may be? Or is it just something to do out of habit and familiarity? Sometimes it's the small foxes that spoil the vine -- those seemingly unimportant details that are actually causing us to remain average and continue to run the hamster wheel in vain. I'm after superabundance, expansion, and real results.

I'm only five days into the new year and the answers are unfolding. Not only that, but I'm making the adjustments. Letting God cut the unproductive things away can be painful, but it is necessary. Some things just won't make the cut. There are those who won't understand. That's okay. Because at the end of the day, at the end of the year, at the end of my life, when it's all said and done, I'm only looking for one thing ---profit.

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