Friday, May 21, 2010

Vision and Purpose: Prerequisites to a Fulfilled Life

I was recently having a discussion with my husband and some friends about people we know who are literally in the same situation they were in 10, 15 years ago, and how progression has been minimal in their lives. Our friend was sharing about how every time he goes home to L.A. to visit his boys (now in their 30s), they can be found at the same spot, doing the same thing, every day - blowing chronic in the middle of the afternoon and playing video games at the house. Year after year, without fail, he could find them there, seemingly oblivious to the fact that life was passing them by with each wasted moment. It was an image that stuck in my head long after the conversation was over and it got me thinking about the reasons why people remain paralyzed where their progress is concerned, seemingly never able to move out of the land of average. What kept coming up in my mind was - a lack of vision and no sense of purpose. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that when you don't have vision for your life, and you don't know your purpose, every day is just another day to be wasted.

Without a vision, it's like you're lost at sea, and as a result, you'll be open to all kinds of suggestions, relationships, and endeavors that are only designed to sidetrack you from your real purpose in life. I call them 'worthless pursuits'. They are the ideas YOU come up with but that have no lasting value. They are the endeavors YOU conjure in your own mind, without considering if they really will make an eternal impact. They are the relationships YOU choose that fit the convenience and comfort of the moment because, well, that's all you're living for, the moment. As a result, you end up wasting time, money, and energy on things, people, and pursuits that keep you going in circles. But when you know where you're going, everything and everyone that doesn't somehow contribute to that progress becomes a weight holding you back. Your focus won't allow you to waste time with things that aren't helping you get to the next level.

Having a vision for yourself is like a blueprint for your future that keeps you moving toward your goal. But sometimes it takes removing yourself from what is comfortable and familiar to you in order to see beyond where you currently are. It may mean changing up your associations or even your locale. Even if you can connect with just one person who can spark the flame of vision in you, that's all you need. The desire to do more and be more can increase just by making one simple adjustment. The people we spend the most time with are affecting us in major ways that either build strength and purpose in us, or drain it. Getting in the company of people who are going somewhere,and who have tangible results to back it up, is vital to your own success.

I believe true God-given vision will always support the purpose and reason you were put on the Earth. And when it's a God-given vision, it will always somehow tie in to improving the quality of other people's lives on some level. When it's all about you, most likely it's something you came up with, but when your focus becomes, "How can this vision become a means to the end of being a blessing in someone else's life?" not only will it become all consuming for you, but doors will open and the resources and provision you need to carry it out will show up. If you find you never get any results in something you are continuing to push, it could be you need to get a new vision.

A great place to start is by brainstorming all the things you are really good at and think about what ignites passion in you. For me, drawing, writing, and helping people grow spiritually are things I could do all day, even if I never got paid to do them. These are my top three passions, and so I have incorporated them all in my personal vision. I KNOW my God-given purpose involves these, among other gifts, interests, and talents. What are yours? It could be artistic ability, teaching, the gift of gab, music, sports, being able to give good advice, etc. Whatever it is you do with ease and that you love, should be incorporated into your personal vision. Write it down and come up with action steps. Pray and ask God to open doors for you but most importantly, take action. Visions of grandeur without execution = nothing changing. You have to DO something, and that's completely on you.

God-given vision will take you into arenas where you will be able to be a light to other people so keep that in mind. When you experience what it feels like to allow your gifts to be used to bring joy and positivity in someone else's life, you'll know what living really is. That's when vision and purpose meet to provide ultimate fulfillment and lasting prosperity and success...

1 comment:

  1. Suz - rarely do I read blogs but your words sound honest, pure and refreshing. Let your pin continue to flow with life and truth.

